Vertos Medical Blog

Case Study: Leading Interventionalist Makes the Move to mild® and Helps Patient (87) Find Lasting Relief

Published July 17, 2024

mild® Provider, Dr. Youssef Josephson | Double Board-Certified PM&R and Pain Management Physician | Modern Spine and Pain

This case study explores the successful treatment of a patient, age 87, by Dr. Youssef Josephson. After he decided to move this patient to the mild® Procedure for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), Dr. Josephson found the procedure not only helped her avoid major surgery but also improve quality of life, regain functional ability, and discontinue use of opioids.

Patient History: Pre-mild®

An 87-year-old female patient presented with the following complaints during her consultation: 

  • Poor quality of life marked by an inability to walk and stand for prolonged periods due to significant pain. 
  • Heavy reliance on pain medication despite disliking the side effects, which left her feeling tired and unable to engage in daily activities. 

Although she had undergone multiple interventions, her desired level of function remained unaddressed.

Dr. Josephson observed that despite her age, she exhibited considerable vitality and potential for functional improvement.

Past Treatments

The multiple and unsuccessful interventions included physical therapy, epidural injections, and extensive dependency on medication.

She consulted with a spine surgeon, who proposed a significant open surgery involving fusion. After discussing this route with her physician, she opted to pass on open surgery due to concerns regarding recovery time and extensive anesthesia requirements.

Despite her overall good health, she preferred minimal levels of general anesthesia.

MRI Findings, Neurogenic Claudication and MOVE2mild®

An MRI revealed buckling at the L4-L5 level along with ligamentum flavum hypertrophy.

Based on this imaging, the patient was diagnosed with spinal stenosis accompanied by intermittent neurogenic claudication, attributed to various risk factors and underlying health concerns.

Dr. Josephson determined the most appropriate treatment for her condition and desired outcome was mild®, with a focus on treating levels L4-L5.

Images submitted by Dr. Josephson

Imaging provided by Dr. Youssef Josephson that shows buckling at the L4-L5 level along with ligamentum flavum hypertrophy - first image Imaging provided by Dr. Youssef Josephson that shows buckling at the L4-L5 level along with ligamentum flavum hypertrophy - second image

Procedure Details 

The procedure was performed utilizing fluoroscopic guidance. The patient was treated at the L4-L5 segment to address the hypertrophic ligamentum flavum which was compressing the space in the spinal canal and putting pressure on the nerves in the lower back. A mild® Tissue Sculpter was utilized to extract excess ligamentum flavum. Once satisfactory decompression was achieved, small amounts of dye and cortisone were injected to visualize improved flow and overall results.

The case concluded with a small incision closure using glue and one Steri-strip, which minimized recovery time.

The Results 

At the one-week postoperative follow-up, the patient reported feeling significantly better. 

At the one-month follow-up, the patient handed over her pill bag, indicating she no longer needed the medication. This is notable given that, at 87 years old, she had been reliant on opioid medication.

Dr. Josephson described this moment as the “Holy Grail” of pain management, being able to help his patient regain their quality of life and functional abilities without medication. 

Key Takeaway from Dr. Josephson:

“I call it the Holy Grail of pain management and that is when a patient who has been maintained on medications, walks in and hands you their pill bag and says ‘Doc, I don’t need this this anymore. I now have my quality of life back. I have my ability to function back,’ and that to me that is a slam dunk.” 

Key Takeaways from Dr. Josephson on Why He Continues to Advocate for mild®

Dr. Josephson continues to treat spinal stenosis with mild® because the procedure provides outcomes that address both pain relief and structural issues without resorting to major surgery, interventions, or lengthy recovery periods.

As a minimally invasive procedure, mild® requires a short recovery time as well as a very minimal postoperative course. Usually within a matter of days, patients are back to themselves—indeed, a better version of themselves.

Make the move to mild® and evolve your practice’s standard of care. Learn more about how mild® can be a valuable part of your practice.

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